About ===== indexhibit is a free, web based portfolio CMS. It is released under the terms of the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE (see license.txt for details). * visit: http://www.indexhibit.org/ http://www.indexhibit.org/forum/ * email: vaska@indexhibit.org * email: daniel@eatock.com System requirements =================== indexhibit requires a web server (Apache), PHP (4 or greater) and MySQL. Recommended: PHP 4+ MySQL 3.23+ Apache 2.0+ (Apache on Windows IIS not supported) * PHP : http://www.php.net/ * MySQL : http://www.mysql.com/ * Apache : http://www.apache.org/ Installation ============ 1. Download indexhibit - http://www.indexhibit.org/app/download/ 2. Unpack and upload to your web server 3. Change permissions for 'files', 'gimgs' and 'config' to 777 4. Get your database information ready 5. Direct your browser to the /ndxzstudio/install.php file and follow the installation procedures (Delete the install.php when you are done.) You should be finished in a matter of minutes. (c) 2007 by Daniel Eatock and Tatiret, c.o.